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At Crich Carr Church of England Primary School we believe that every moment matters. All Staff make every effort to enrich the educational experiences of our children and provide them with the best start to their education by developing a ‘love of learning’ and a ‘thirst for knowledge’.
We are a Church School and therefore maintain a clear Christian ethos, which we teach through the life of Jesus Christ. We have strong links with St Mary’s Church in Crich, where we carry out services and events throughout the year. We always aim to respect, understand and welcome everyone regardless of their culture and faith. Our aims in all that we do are based upon Christian and British values, with particular focus on the values of love, respect, tolerance, honesty, forgiveness and perseverance.
Collective Worship is carried out every day. This is organised as a whole school. We use a variety of resources and also welcome in many visitors from our community to enhance the delivery of collective worship. It is well planned to follow the main festivals of the Christian calendar, Christian and British values and other World faiths.
We deliver a broad and balanced curriculum that is not only educational, but also enjoyable for both pupils and staff. The school day is carefully planned to ensure children gain maximum benefit through an exciting curriculum and other extra-curricular activities. We have a team of extremely committed and experienced staff who have a wealth of knowledge, enabling them to engage the children in challenging and stimulating lessons.
Children are equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to be self-motivated and independent learners, and are therefore ready for the next stage of their education. Through the School Council, pupils have a voice that is heard and are able to offer valuable input regarding their education.
A new statutory curriculum was introduced in September 2014. We have therefore adapted our School curriculum to ensure that we meet the current aims and requirements. Our curriculum includes not only the formal requirements of the National Curriculum, but also many other activities organised by school in order to offer many enrichment opportunities. This includes weekly forest school sessions which provides the children with the opportunity to learn through hands on experiences in a natural outdoor environment. We run a wide range of educational visits and experiences, and welcome many visitors into the school.
Our Foundation Stage is directed by the guidance provided in the EYFS documentation, from 2017, Statutory Framework for the Early Years, this involves 7 key areas, against which all children are measured on entry – and then throughout Foundation Stage 2.
Our pupils are taught through a variety of styles, incorporating whole class teaching, group and individual methods as and when appropriate. Some pupils take part in small group sessions when they may be withdrawn from the whole class – this is to maximise their learning experience. We endeavour at all times to treat children as individuals, and according to their particular needs and abilities, and for some children this will be in the form of a specific support plan. This may be to provide additional support for children with learning needs or extension for children who are very able.
In addition to the school curriculum, we aim to provide a range of extra-curricular clubs and activities. After school sports clubs run three evenings per week. In addition to this we participate in many local activities and tournaments. A range of sporting competitions and opportunities are carried out through our School Sports Partnership and organised with other local schools and sports clubs. Our music curriculum and provision is enhanced by whole school singing, harmony group and drumming lessons. Our school sing at many community events throughout the year. An annual residential visit is undertaken at Lea Green by the Year 2 pupils, and the KS2 pupils also undertake an annual residential trip. These visits incorporate a variety of experiences, including outdoor pursuits, city experiences and seashore adventures, providing activities and experiences which cannot be provided on-site.
Full details of the school’s curriculum can be found in the ‘Curriculum Policy’ in the ‘Key Policies’ section of the website.