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What is PSHE?

PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) is about teaching children to form effective relationships, stay safe and healthy and prepare them for life’s challenges and opportunities in modern Britain. 

At our school, PSHE encompasses PSED, SMSC, RSHE and Fundamental British Values. It is taught every week in school, but goes much deeper than this.  It is a key aspect of life at our school and is deeply rooted in our Christian ethos and daily practice.


What is our vision for PSHE?

The vision for PSHE is to help children and young people to achieve their potential by supporting their well-being and tackling issues that can affect their ability to learn, such as anxiety and unhealthy relationships. Primary school is about teaching children to be kind, caring and thoughtful to others. PSHE helps children to be the best versions of themselves possible. It can teach resilience and develop self-esteem, which are crucial life skills in our modern world. When taught properly, it helps them to achieve their full potential across the curriculum. Ultimately, if we teach PSHE effectively, we believe the children will be equipped with the necessary skills to be successful when they leave our school.

We use PSHE Matters (a locally produced PSHE curriculum) to plan our PSHE sessions.  PSHE matters highlights the key knowledge children should have at key points of their education.  The progression document highlights what we teach - and expect children to understand - throughout school. 

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