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What does the Governing Body do?

As required by law, our school has a Governing Body (GB) whose main purpose is to provide a strategic and policy framework within which the school is run. It is the responsibility of the Headteacher and staff to guide and advise Governors, implement agreed plans and deliver the curriculum.


The GB is:


* Responsible for monitoring and evaluating the school’s effectiveness, for ensuring the school is continually improving and supporting the Headteacher and staff in promoting the interests of the school and its pupils.


* Responsible for raising expectations, being a 'critical friend' to the school and holding it to account. The Governors seek to ensure the school provides the best possible education for its pupils.


* Responsible for the financial management of the school, particularly setting the annual budget and monitoring on-going performance against it.


* Accountable to parents, the Local Authority (LA) and the wider community for its actions and the school’s overall performance.


How is the Governing Body made up?

Our Governing Body comprises of the members as shown below:


4 - Parent Governors elected by Parents:

Helen Easter

Aimee Briddon

Sophie James

1 x vacancy


1 - Local Authority (LA) Governor appointed by the LA (DCC)

John Moffat - Chair of Governors


2 - Foundation Governors appointed by the Diocese of Derby

Jo Honour

1 x vacancy


3 - Co-Opted Governors appointed by the Governing Body

Ann Tipton

Adele Chilton

Dave Smith


1 - Staff Governor

1 x Ethan Cash 



Ian Robson


It is supported by a Clerk to Governors, Sam Abel.


The contact details for our Chair of Governors is as follows:

Mr John Moffat 

Crich Carr Church of England Primary School

Main Road


Nr Matlock


01773 852070




Associate members are appointed by the Governing Body as it deems appropriate, can serve on one or more GB committees and may attend full Governing Body meetings. They are not Governors, but the Governing Body may assign some voting rights in the committees on which they serve.


Governors usually have a four year tenure of office.


How does the Governing Body operate?

The GB meets formally every half term – 6 times per year. Ahead of each meeting, the Clerk to Governors circulates the agenda and all supporting documentation/information to the Governors. All meetings are chaired by the Chair of Governors and are formally minuted by the Clerk to Governors.



There are no standing sub-committees; however, sub-committees may be convened on an ad hoc basis to consider particular issues that may need to be addressed. 

Playing together  Working together  Learning together
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