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The school is extremely proud of its academic record but we fully recognise the role that third party assessment plays in school life, and we want all parents and stakeholders to be able to find all of the relevant assessment feedback and data such that they can keep track of the performance of the school. 


In this section we will collate and regularly update all of the relevant reports and statistics which relate to the performance of our school. We would be very willing to discuss these reports and statistics with parents if any questions arise.


There are three sets of reports and statistics which we would particularly encourage parents to read:


OFSTED Report - Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. OFSTED inspect and regulate services that care for children and young people on behalf of government, and therefore the inspection and report produced by OFSTED is one of the most important indicators of how the school is performing. Assessments are usually undertaken on a 3 year cycle, unless circumstances dictate a more frequent cycle. We have made a downloadable copy of the latest report available direct from the website, and this will be updated once a new inspection and report is completed.


SIAMS Report - Because Crich Carr is a Church School we are also inspected by a body representing the Church of England. The focus of this report is slightly different than the OFSTED report, but assesses performance and merit beyond purely the religious character of the school.


Department For Education Performance Tables - These tables show purely the academic achievement, in our case in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 assessments. These are not available in a report format above, but please click the link below and you will be taken to the school pages on the Department for Education Website. Please also see our latest Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 results summarised as downloadable documents below. 








Click the buttons below to download or link to the relevant report:

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