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Welcome to Class 1!


Teaching Timetable

Mr Robson, Ms Fairchild and Mr Cash teach Class 1, which includes our nursery, reception, year 1 and 2 children. Year 1 & Year 2 children have Forest Schools on Wednesdays and Reception and Nursery children have Forest Schools on Friday afternoon. PE is on Thursday afternoon. 


Outdoor Learning

In order to access good outdoor learning provision on a daily basis we ask that all children bring a pair of wellies to leave in school.

Can they also bring a hat and gloves as it can be very cold!



PE for all children in class 1 is on a Thursday. Please ensure that your child comes to school in their PE kit on both of these days. 



This may include:

  • Phonics activities

  • Spelling activities

  • Maths tasks

  • Tasks related to their topic

  • Children are expected to read at least 4 x a week

Homework needs to be completed by the following Thursday when this will be checked online and reading diaries/phonics activities reviewed. Your child will receive Class Dojos for all tasks completed to a good standard.


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