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Welcome to Class 2!


Teaching Timetable

Welcome to Class 2! Mrs Pawlitta teaches Class 2 Tuesday to Friday; on Mondays Mrs Redgate teaches Class 2 in the morning and it's outdoor learning in the afternoon.


PE, Swimming and Forest School

Forest School is on Monday afternoon.

PE and swimming are on Thursday afternoon. Please ensure your child has the correct kit/equipment for each day.



Pupils will receive homework every Friday:

  • Spellings on Spelling Shed

  • Maths task set on My Maths

  • Times Tables Rock Stars

Homework needs to be completed by the following Thursday when this will be checked online, and dojo points will be awarded.

Spelling is a focus this term.  The children will receive a new set of spelling words each week (these will be sent home via dojo for your reference).  Please encourage your child to use the games on Spelling Shed to help them learn their spellings!  They will be tested on these each Friday.  We will also be focusing on common exception / tricky words in class.  If you would like a copy of these to use at home, please ask!



Children are expected to read at home at least 4 times a week.  Please record each time your child reads in their reading diary so dojo points can be awarded.  Children can earn points for reading and win prizes for their efforts!

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